Defining a new command, z is as c, l, r in tabular environment. The z is replaced with D{.}{.}{-1} in tabular.
It seems like new command only can be 1 character.
D : D is the command of dcolumn
{.} : . is the character to be aligned
{.} : . is the character above to be replaced with.
-1 : centered. If it's a positive number, it represents the digits after decimal point
%% I can't solve some problems now, so the title issue is currently dealt with multicolumn%%
Define a new command
[1] : 1 parameter can be input
#1 : where the parameter be put. If there are more than one, it can be listed #1, #2 ...
{1} : to cross 1 column
>{} is the command of array, it works prior to columns be assigned.
Here \centering is the argument to make data centered in multicolumn.
But multicolumn command still makes something like box, it cannot be aligned to and
overlapped to the border of the table. It seems a little shift. \parbox or \makebox constrain
width of words but width of cells that makes words too wide and not wrap.
*{6}{|z} equals to |z|z|z|z|z|z which is a trick.
z is defined above. * means repeatition {#} times.
>{} is the command of array, it works prior to columns be assigned.
Here \centering is the argument to make data centered in multicolumn.
But multicolumn command still makes something like box, it cannot be aligned to and
overlapped to the border of the table. It seems a little shift. \parbox or \makebox constrain
width of words but width of cells that makes words too wide and not wrap.
*{6}{|z} equals to |z|z|z|z|z|z which is a trick.
z is defined above. * means repeatition {#} times.
It's stupid and ugly but I just can code this to define the cell of title rows.
That's because I want to make thin and tight columns. If words of titles
are in the same line, it is too wide. It has to clip word segment into several
lines to make it tighter.
It's stupid and ugly but I just can code this to define the cell of title rows.
That's because I want to make thin and tight columns. If words of titles
are in the same line, it is too wide. It has to clip word segment into several
lines to make it tighter.
-- 2008/06/24 bbs backup --
\usepackage{dcolumn, array}
定義新指令 之後在tabular內用z就會自動代換
%% 因為目前還是無解 所以先用multicolumn來處理title的部份 %%
若是參數很多 就依照#1 #2 這樣的順序排
>{}是array的指令 在欄位編排之前所要加入的命令
結果還是太寬 而且不會換行
{6}{|z} 相當於 |z|z|z|z|z|z
%% 因為沒時間了 以後再慢慢學自己適應大小的方法吧 %%