存款準備率(Required reserve ratio) – 為銀行存款準備金和存款間的比率。若銀行存款準備金額度超出央行所規定的比率(「法定存款準備金」),超出的部份則稱為「超額準備金」。調整存款準備率為各國中央銀行重要的貨幣政策工具之一。
調低準備率 -> 造成市場上的流動資金變多,物價會不會因此上揚?央行其中一個控制游資的方式就是提高準備率,使得在市面上的錢變少,讓錢的價值變高,同時也控制物價,就好像農產品過剩會太便宜,因此政府要買回囤積,增加其價值。
調高準備率 -> 相對的銀行可放款的額度會減少,銀行收入減少,對於借款者來說,可籌集的資源變少了,也許會較為審慎的處理擴張投資行為?若是急需資金,可能因為到達額度無法增加而倒閉,因為政策的影響是全面性的。調高後如何讓現金增加,不外是開源節流,可用的方式有調高放款利率(開源)、調低存款利率(節流),(不過目前還不知道央行調整利息和各家銀行調整利息有啥差別)
facebook chat opened in a new tab in ubuntu
It seems like facebook cannot figure out the code name Namoroka rather than Firefox. Modifing the agent name with User Agent Switcher solves it.
It seems like facebook cannot figure out the code name Namoroka rather than Firefox. Modifing the agent name with User Agent Switcher solves it.
mplayer cannot seek the file
I have a x264 video but it just can be displayed. Mplayer reports it cannot seek the file. The solution above works, adding -forceidx as the parameter for mplayer.
I have a x264 video but it just can be displayed. Mplayer reports it cannot seek the file. The solution above works, adding -forceidx as the parameter for mplayer.
fn+f1 to turn off monitor power on thinkpad
# ubuntu 10.04
It's based on acpid, acpi-support. while some hotkeys pressed, acpi events are triggered then some handlers be called according to the events respectively.
/etc/acpi contains scripts for handler, /etc/acpi/events contains the events definition. Now it targets on turn off monitor power because it has to modify some codes in my laptop. Fn+F1 is the hotkey to turn off monitor power.
It's based on acpid, acpi-support. while some hotkeys pressed, acpi events are triggered then some handlers be called according to the events respectively.
/etc/acpi contains scripts for handler, /etc/acpi/events contains the events definition. Now it targets on turn off monitor power because it has to modify some codes in my laptop. Fn+F1 is the hotkey to turn off monitor power.
x200 color calibration
There is a color profile manager in ubuntu 10.04 and it still installs argyll.
The default color of thinkpad x200 is cold color, looks too much blue. X200校色檔案分享~小黑的螢幕其實沒有那麼糟糕^__^ 、 高階商務機身等級之12吋CULV-Lenovo ThinkPad X200s入手體驗 、[心得] 分享x200 PJ9螢幕校正資料 share the color calibration files or there are more on the net. With 3rd one, my x200 displays more beautiful color.
In ubuntu, argyll package is needed. Execute dispwin to apply color calibration files.
The default color of thinkpad x200 is cold color, looks too much blue. X200校色檔案分享~小黑的螢幕其實沒有那麼糟糕^__^ 、 高階商務機身等級之12吋CULV-Lenovo ThinkPad X200s入手體驗 、[心得] 分享x200 PJ9螢幕校正資料 share the color calibration files or there are more on the net. With 3rd one, my x200 displays more beautiful color.
In ubuntu, argyll package is needed. Execute dispwin
-- 2009/11/14 bbs backup --
來的,就手動trace了一遍,反正最近也在trace code
來的,就手動trace了一遍,反正最近也在trace code
[latex] 段落與圖片表格間距
-- 2008/08/02 bbs backup --
[latex] ieeetran citation
-- 2010 --
I expect it shows [1-10] for 10 continuous citations but [1]-[10] instead.
I cannot find any solution for it until I give up then try to trace codes
in IEEEtrans.cls.
I expect it shows [1-10] for 10 continuous citations but [1]-[10] instead.
I cannot find any solution for it until I give up then try to trace codes
in IEEEtrans.cls.
[latex] 表格小數點對齊置中欄寬 / dot(decimal point) aligned to the centerline of a table cell
\usepackage{dcolumn, array}
Defining a new command, z is as c, l, r in tabular environment. The z is replaced with D{.}{.}{-1} in tabular.
It seems like new command only can be 1 character.
D : D is the command of dcolumn
{.} : . is the character to be aligned
{.} : . is the character above to be replaced with.
-1 : centered. If it's a positive number, it represents the digits after decimal point
Defining a new command, z is as c, l, r in tabular environment. The z is replaced with D{.}{.}{-1} in tabular.
It seems like new command only can be 1 character.
D : D is the command of dcolumn
{.} : . is the character to be aligned
{.} : . is the character above to be replaced with.
-1 : centered. If it's a positive number, it represents the digits after decimal point
-- 2008/05/20 bbs backup --
#for timing
#for timing
-- 2008/05/14 bbs backup --
gnu profiler
show # of calls or # of execution time in tables
need -pg argument for gcc
gnu profiler
show # of calls or # of execution time in tables
need -pg argument for gcc
[c++] read binary
-- 2007/06/19 bbs backup --
suppose there're codes
foo.getline(buf, num);
// do someting
it works
but binary maybe take this style or it read more once
suppose there're codes
foo.getline(buf, num);
// do someting
it works
but binary maybe take this style or it read more once
A Short Introduction to Numerical Analysis
-- 2007/05/22 bbs backup --
The extreme difficulty of obtaining solutions by conventional mathematical
analysis has led in the past to the use of highly unrealistic models simply
because they led to equations that could be solved. In fact, the applied
mathematician has been engaged in a continual tussle with his conscience to
decide how far he could go in the direction of distorting his model in order
to make the equations tractable. The point is well made in the ancient jest
about the examination question that began 'An elephant whose mass can be
- M. V. Wilkes
A Short Introduction to Numerical Analysis
The extreme difficulty of obtaining solutions by conventional mathematical
analysis has led in the past to the use of highly unrealistic models simply
because they led to equations that could be solved. In fact, the applied
mathematician has been engaged in a continual tussle with his conscience to
decide how far he could go in the direction of distorting his model in order
to make the equations tractable. The point is well made in the ancient jest
about the examination question that began 'An elephant whose mass can be
- M. V. Wilkes
A Short Introduction to Numerical Analysis
[c++] map
-- 2010 --
However, map is implemented with RB-tree to get relatively balance performance for any data.
If it is required a true hash table and not to re-implement one. Try this! But you have to use gcc.
The initial space of hash table can be defined with the table __stl_prime_list[]. It lists some prime
numbers to reduce collision of data or you can define it by yourself.
-- 2006/01/18 bbs backup --
原本寫好了list base的資節作業
但是覺得用搜尋的太慢了 而且寫起來很複雜
所以把他改成hash base的
正好可以學一學map的用法 從來沒用過
However, map is implemented with RB-tree to get relatively balance performance for any data.
If it is required a true hash table and not to re-implement one. Try this! But you have to use gcc.
__gnu_cxx::hash_map variables;
The initial space of hash table can be defined with the table __stl_prime_list[]. It lists some prime
numbers to reduce collision of data or you can define it by yourself.
-- 2006/01/18 bbs backup --
原本寫好了list base的資節作業
但是覺得用搜尋的太慢了 而且寫起來很複雜
所以把他改成hash base的
正好可以學一學map的用法 從來沒用過
[latex] bibtex
-- 2010 --
How the citation be displayed depends on the bibliography style.
I suggest to save author's full name in the file. It may display the
acronym if the style assigns. We don't spend too much effort on it.
-- 2005/10/26 bbs backup --
How the citation be displayed depends on the bibliography style.
I suggest to save author's full name in the file. It may display the
acronym if the style assigns. We don't spend too much effort on it.
-- 2005/10/26 bbs backup --
[latex] save utf8 file
Now I use vim. Vim does not add BOM in files.
--2005/09/27 bbs backup --
utf8 without BOM
Now I use vim. Vim does not add BOM in files.
--2005/09/27 bbs backup --
utf8 without BOM
[latex] utf8
-- 2010 --
Now I use vim.
-- 2005/09/15 bbs backup --
-- 2005/07/27 bbs backup --
結果FAQ就有了 dia是畫流程圖的軟體 但是也有畫電路的元件 因為一直覺得他的電路原件太醜了 一直都沒有採用 後來查他的檔案才發現可以簡單改成想要的樣子
foobar 音質
想把教學貼blog... 註: 後來想一想, 在通原之中, 因為通道而使得訊號有interference, 所以需要equalizer修正, 使得sample時旁邊的訊號影響更小, sample值才正確 dsp之中equalizer是否也是修正經過之前虛擬通道, filter造成訊號間互相的影響呢 通原是用delay*coef相加來做EQ(當然是比較理想和簡單的系統) 如果考慮 z-trans H = a0+a1z^-1+a2z^-2...(可做initial condition的case) 代e^jw => inv z => h=a0+a1del[x-dx]+a2del[x-2dx]... 對嗎? 再回頭想帶入e^jw後, 就會有harmonic tone, w, 2w, 3w... 乘以係數 所以delay的係數應該跟harmonic tone的係數有關係 就可以解釋為啥equalizer的調節bar是依照頻率排的, 而且是倍數關係 55Hz, 110, 220, 440 ... 77, 156, 311, ... 當然一定有近似 假如我推的沒錯 .... 很爽 $ +/- 是調整音量得快捷鍵 單位是dB, 真專業 $ convolver 是迴旋混音器-> 看到這個字就想到convolution 好 反正有impulse response的檔案可以找 可以模擬真空管的效果 一個檔案代表一種音響?? 猜測他用impulse response的目的是模擬一個filter 也就是真空管音響的filter 經過filter 自然要做convolution equalizer 是可以調整不同頻率的gain 例如所謂重低音就是把低頻gain調高 可以抓到一些檔案(preset 看字面就了解了吧) 有不同的風格 例如家庭劇院 要試聽後才知道 不是只有引入套件那是沒什麼效果的 也可以手動調 $ 改skin的話 可以裝 foo_syfm 的 plug-in 再去抓 .fb2k 檔 或是自己寫 或是 foo_looks $ foo_unpack 可以直接從壓縮檔放音樂 # 不知道順序有沒有關係 LTI system 沒關係 但這是嗎?
[latex] Chinese
-- 2010 --
Now I love to just download fonts from here cwTeX Unicode Type 1 and
copy the fonts to the directory described in section 4.1.2 of the 1st link below.
It easy! Under CJK package it works. I usually embed cwmu and cwku. They are
enough for my purpose.
-- 2005/02/02 bbs backup --
如果是抓果正兄做的王漢宗type1字型的話中文中文ode5.html 參考這個 把資料夾弄到指定目錄即可 在參考這個 路徑要改 如果要內嵌自行 miktex要改這個 不內嵌字型可避免字型授權問題
-- 2004/10/12 bbs backup --
ex: 50%半透明 opacity: .5; # CSS3 filter: alpha(opacity=50); # IE only -moz-opacity: .5;
-- 2004/09/23 bbs backup -- uuencode filename filename | mail uuencode file file -> to be a 64bits encoded text file uudecode -o outfile file -> to be original file 用命令列寄附加檔 man uuencode uudecode 套件sharutils in gentoo
print chinese on gentoo
-- 2004/08/03 bbs backup --
[latex] 調邊界留白 (margin) 的方法
-- 2004/06/29 bbs backup --
※ 本文轉錄自 [TeX] 看板 發信人: (prolactin), 看板: TeX 標 題: Re: [FYI] 調邊界留白 (margin) 的方法 發信站: 交大資科_BBS (Wed Oct 15 13:58:27 2003) 轉信站: wretch!netnews.csie.nctu!freebsd.ntu!news.cis.nctu!cis_nctu Origin:
[轉錄] Screen精要
-- 2004/01/31 bbs backup --
※ [本文轉錄自 Garrett 看板] 作者: Garrett ([The Deep Mind]) 看板: Garrett 標題: [Info] Screen精要 時間: Tue Nov 26 20:42:23 2002 ================================= 摘至學長的文章.經排列組合之後而成 =================================
-- 2004/01/31 bbs backup --
---------------------------------------- 作者: CoCo (等畢業囉) 看板: SysopDiscuss 標題: screen 的用法,from 時間: Sun Jun 3 14:57:54 2001 ---------------------------------------- ※ Screen 簡介 頁次 : 1 2 3* 4 使用 screen 在命令列下打 screen 就會進入 screen 的天地: % screen
作者: Yawper (打字不能) 站內: Food
標題: Re: [問題] 菲力和沙朗怎麼分? 時間: Wed Sep 18 21:39:06 2002 ※ 引述《vpr (閒人一隻)》之銘言: : 吃牛排常會看到"菲力牛排"與"沙朗牛排"這兩種 : 不過我不知道這兩種的差別在哪? : 是不同部位?還是根本就是不同品種? : 肉質、口感的差異? : 哪一種比較高級? : 對這有研究的美食大大,可否詳細地說明一下^^ : 不然我每次都不知道要怎麼點......^^||| : 謝謝~~
[latex] 學習歷史
這方面大都看Edward Lee的文章,台灣latex他應該算研究者吧,有寫過很多好文在blog。
這方面大都看Edward Lee的文章,台灣latex他應該算研究者吧,有寫過很多好文在blog。
free stock database
I've try to find a way to download about 10y
stock database for analysis but databases are
not free before. Now it can be downloaded
from Google/Yahoo Finance. Thanks the 2 giants
to share the information. Then I'll create a
parser to save these data.
stock database for analysis but databases are
not free before. Now it can be downloaded
from Google/Yahoo Finance. Thanks the 2 giants
to share the information. Then I'll create a
parser to save these data.
x11 font
-- 2003/08/08 bbs backup --
文章 (Atom)