
test mathjax in blogger

Maths between dollars is inline: $\sum_{k=1}^n k = \frac{n(n+1)}{2}$. Maths between slash-square-brackets is display: \[\sum_{k=1}^n k = \frac{n(n+1)}{2}\]


REF : 用 MathJax 顯示數學符號-以 Blogger 為例



necessary components for uvm in my opinion

我覺得使用uvm需要有這些必要元素,interface 作為test class和dut的接口,可是要在module內先造出instance,很有趣的是如果拿function 去收硬體訊號,則只會在call function 時latch 一次而已,在function 內重抓也不會更新,但interface 可以讓class內一直更新硬體訊號;class以上都當作軟體;而整個模擬的切入點則來自run_test,要有個program 或module 去call run_test,整個模擬就會開始了


把xbmc/raspbmc 的原生youtube搜尋鍵盤換成中文鍵盤 replace youtube search keyboard in xbmc with chinese keyboard

有很多機會要用到中文搜尋,可是原生的youtube 是調用系統鍵盤,只有英文模式,只好自己動手來了。
按照 http://bbs.htpc1.com/thread-142703-1-4.html 的作法,找到原生程式的搜尋區塊,替換成中文鍵盤,順便做了patch,練習放到github上 https://github.com/mjtsai/misc.git ,raspberry pi 的playback 完成度又更高了


1st time play raspberry pi

Many people playing the tiny board and many communities supporting it, so I bought one to be a media center and wireless AP(and further applications next).

It's easy to install raspbmc on the sd card without any command for settings. It can be controlled by the CEC supported TV. I don't have to link to an IR sensor and buy a remote controller.

Smoothly it plays the video with the HW decoder.  Some codec, MPEG, VC1, you have to buy. Some codec, RM, RMVB... , it does not support. I'll find out if it can run with external players and overclocking.

Unfortunately I cannot play YOUTUBE on raspbmc(now I can)... so install xbian instead. Defaultly it is overclocking to 840Mhz to get better performance but hotter. Take the config in /boot/config.txt .

Can be controlled with "XBMC official remote" app on iphone in the same net domain. You should turn on this feature in XBMC.

Turn on AirPlay and try the wifi display.

It seems playing image is ok but playing video is usually buffering. I don't know why local network speed is not enough. To set connection to 802.11n is more faster.

Youtube is ok

It can search Chinese with APP keyboard but screen keyboard in native input field. I searched "甄嬛傳".

Install the https://code.google.com/p/xbmc-addons-chinese/ for China streaming services and keyboard.

Refer to http://bbs.htpc1.com/thread-142703-1-4.html , you have to add some codes in the <addon path>/addon.xml ,it works on LeTV. I searched "三國" with screen keyboard, but youtube still use the native keyboard and I don't know how the config it(need more time).

By the way, I update the keyboard to the latest r364 on svn. Thanks to the experts.


Talk about the AP, I surveyed the compatible and tiny wifi adapter, netis WF2120, with 8188cu chipset supporting soft AP function. It enabled out-of-the-box on xbian with 8192cu driver. (but I compiled another driver from netis web site)

Follow http://www.rpiblog.com/2012/12/turn-raspberry-pi-into-wireless-access.html to setup the wifi interface and dhcpd.

But there is one thing to be taken care of, the hostapd. Due to the chipset, in http://www.raspberrypi.org/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?p=270652 , driver=nl80211 must be replaced with driver=rtl871xdrv in /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf and replace the execution file with http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1663660/hostapd/hostapd (or recompile by yourself).

Afterward, NEVER config net on XBMC UI or it may overwrite the settings for your AP.

Have fun ~
(now re-installing because it crashes again  haha)
using raspbmc config is more stable.

Finally , it seems the problem of power adapter. With iphone power adapter, it's very stable. I'll buy another one.


終於可以用ubuntu 連 nx 了

因為公司的server 用nx (no machine) 架的,最近公司電腦(win)不能用,雖然以前就有需要用自己的電腦連nx,但沒有急迫性,所以不能連就一直放著,這幾天不行了。

查過很多資料後我還是不太懂為什麼ubuntu 不能夠一開機就把這些事情做完整。

版本是10.04,遇到的狀況是 /tmp下沒有 .X11-unix/ ,這應該是xwin 會自己建的,維護一些socket的東西。此外還需要ssh支援forwarding,才能把遠端的視窗顯示在本機,但我試的結果是nx 好像不認識 :0.0。

首先要把 /etc/ssh/sshd_config 的 X11Forwarding 設 yes,http://serverfault.com/questions/99147/karmic-koala-ubuntu-enable-remote-x-clients-through-tcp ,參考這篇,改寫 /etc/gdm/gdm.schemas,


還有 /etc/X11/xinit/xserverrc 把 -nolisten tcp 拿掉,打 netstat -an |grep 6000 會發現有service 在監聽。

這樣改完之後/tmp下還是不會建 .X11-unix,非常奇怪,我後來是自己建 .X11-unix 然後重啟 gdm,他會在/tmp下建立 .X0-lock 並且連結到 .X11-unix/X0 ,要出現這樣子才算可以顯示遠端視窗,只要沒有X0-lock 都算不成功的。



在design house做了三年的DV,才疏學淺,但希望能夠將DV學完整,並有所發揮。目前大概就摸了半顆ic的程度。心得也只是在公司看到的狀況,不代表整個園區,觀念也不一定正確

